Timber Flooring | 4 Steps To Fill A Small Chip In Your Timber Floors

Posted on: 20 January 2016

Timber flooring embodies a look of natural and rustic beauty for any room, but over time it can look timeworn thanks to dents, chips and cracks –– especially if your rooms are subject to high levels of foot traffic. If your chips and cracks are too big, you may need professional flooring restoration. But if they are small, you can probably handle them on your own with these DIY steps.

Gather Your Chip-Filling Supplies

In your endeavour to fill small chips in timber flooring, you will need to purchase wood filler from a local home improvement store. Timber filler is generally fast drying and provides superior adhesion to treated and untreated timber. You can choose timber filler in the same colour as your existing timber flooring to ensure a seamless appearance. You will also need some sandpaper and a putty knife for undertaking this task on your own.

Sand The Flooring Near The Chip

You need to first start by sanding the area around the chip or crack. This action will help to smooth out the area as much as possible before you attempt to fill it. Once you've finished sanding the spot with medium-grit sandpaper, make sure you remove any shards and fragments implanted in your timber flooring surface. Avoid using coarse-grit sandpaper because its abrasiveness may end up damaging the timber surface. Medium-grit sandpaper works just fine for removing blemishes and imperfections on floors.

Cover The Chip With Timber Filler

Most timber fillers come in paste-laden tubes, so you can easily remove it from the tube and cover the chip with it with a putty knife. Be generous with the timber filler application to ensure that it completely conceals the chip or crack in your flooring. You must then follow the manufacturer's instructions for allowing it to dry on the surface.

Let The Timber Filler Dry Thoroughly.

Timber filler will prevent cracks or chips from becoming bigger, so don't crimp out on the drying time. The curing time will be specifically mentioned by the manufacturer, so be sure to follow this before using your floors once again. You can accelerate the drying process by opening up your room for proper ventilation. Once you're sure that the filler has dried, sand it to a smooth finish. You can then tint, paint, stain or varnish your room's timber flooring for a cohesive surface appearance.

These steps are designed to help you fill smaller cracks and chips in your timber flooring. Bigger chips and cracks will need professional restoration.    


Safe, Beautiful, Durable and Stylish Flooring: Tips for Home Decorators

Your flooring is arguably the most important part of any room. It soothes your aching feet or makes them hurt more. It pulls together your furniture or makes it clash. It makes your room look inviting or old and ugly. Hi, my name is Rachel, and I love to decorate. I especially love playing with different types of flooring. In my home, I have deep plush carpet, hardwood floors, durable vinyl, throw rugs, stone tile and a couple of other types of flooring. I pick each room carefully so that the flooring meets my objectives for the room but also looks amazing and inviting. If you want to read about flooring, please explore this blog.