Two advantages of vinyl flooring

Posted on: 19 January 2022

If you're unsure if you should have vinyl flooring fitted in your home, here are two advantages it has that may convince you to do so.

It's softer underfoot than laminate, wood and tile

If you want your flooring to feel fairly soft and comfortable underfoot, but you're not interested in having carpets due to the high level of maintenance they need and the fact that carpeting can feel too warm during hot weather, then vinyl might be the right flooring material for you.

The reason for this is that, unlike other hard flooring materials, like tile, hardwood and laminate, vinyl can yield when people stand on it, and so feels more comfortable to walk on, even when you're wearing unsupportive footwear or are barefoot. This material could be particularly useful if you have, for example, arthritic foot joints that make your feet hurt when they're pressed against hard surfaces.

However, unlike a soft flooring material such as carpeting, vinyl is also cool underfoot. It's also as easy to clean as other hard flooring materials, because it doesn't have carpet fibres that can absorb fluids and odours, and any dust, pet hair or dirt specks that land on it are visible and accessible (which makes them easy to vacuum up or sweep away).

It's extremely affordable and reasonably robust

The other great advantage of vinyl flooring is that it's extremely affordable and, therefore, not only cheap to buy and fit, but also to replace. This means that you don't need to be quite as cautious with it as you would if, for example, you had hardwood floors (which can be incredibly costly to replace if they get severely damaged and can also take an age to remove and refit). If you cut or badly mark your vinyl flooring by, for example, dropping some heavy tools on it, replacing it will be a cheap and simple job.

In spite of being very affordable, vinyl flooring is quite hardwearing and so is safe to lay in areas of your home that get regular foot traffic. However, if you're concerned about this flooring wearing out too quickly in specific spots that get extremely heavy foot traffic (i.e. spots that you stand on for hours or spots you walk across dozens of times a day), you can always lay some inexpensive rugs over these spots to protect them so that the flooring wears out slowly and evenly. 

Contact a local flooring contractor to learn more about vinyl flooring.


Safe, Beautiful, Durable and Stylish Flooring: Tips for Home Decorators

Your flooring is arguably the most important part of any room. It soothes your aching feet or makes them hurt more. It pulls together your furniture or makes it clash. It makes your room look inviting or old and ugly. Hi, my name is Rachel, and I love to decorate. I especially love playing with different types of flooring. In my home, I have deep plush carpet, hardwood floors, durable vinyl, throw rugs, stone tile and a couple of other types of flooring. I pick each room carefully so that the flooring meets my objectives for the room but also looks amazing and inviting. If you want to read about flooring, please explore this blog.